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Advanced Marketing: Transform Your
Website Into An Automated Direct
Response Marketing Machine
by Bill Thomas Jr

the-marketing-mindsetWhat would it be like to have an automatic selling machine where prospects would automatically arrive at the front door, walk through, and come out the back door a happy, satisfied customer?  . . . and you didn't have to make a sales call or even meet with that prospect?  Wouldn't that be great for your business?

And let's say that this machine was so convenient for the prospect that she could go in the front door whenever she wanted, at any time, day or night, and make highly informed buying decisions without a high pressure salesman looking over her shoulder - - and you, the business owner, didn't have to lift a finger?

And furthermore, now she's bringing all her friends over, and they're telling their friends, and everybody's buying on their own, and not being sold to, and it's not even costing you a dime for this kind of traffic?

I often wondered if this could ever be done, especially in the service and "brick-and-mortar" businesses.

Well,  it CAN be done, and I'm doing it 
right now with my brick-and-mortar business!

Let's also mention that this automatic marketing machine can take the customers you don't want and politely escort them out the side door.  Or let's say that someone shows up that's not in your service area.  Can you help them?  You bet -- in some cases you can send them to one of your prearranged business partners -- or maybe two or three -- for a fee! (I do it quite often).

 Eliminating your competition.

I've found that with this system I can literally blow the competition away.  By using the marketers mindset and by implementing an Automated Direct Response Marketing Machine, I'm finding it's very possible to convert most of my leads into sales.  Why?  Because this system can build relationships.  Relationships, in the long term, are much more important than just sales . . . and when you build relationships . . . you have no competition.

Building Relationships + Saving Time = Better Lifestyle

Yes, the sales can all be automated, so your time is leveraged. 

But the most important job is to develop a relationship with your prospect automatically, without even meeting them face-to-face.  With this system the "know - like - trust" can be accomplished automatically, and customers will freely buy and promote your business, because you have formed a "know you, like you, and trust you" relationship.

More on this to come . . . something big's in the works . . . [read on]


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